You glide: All grace and beauty against the calm waters. Your sparkling eyes watch the sandy banks, the flowers and the buzzing life around you. You appear tranquil, you appear at ease and all seems well with your world. But, underneath the glittering surface, underneath all that beauty, your feet are peddling frantically to reach the shoreline, to find a way out, to find a solution. Beneath the water you are violently crashing about to find your footing, a footing that was lost many years ago when he was taken from you and you were abandoned by the one that was supposed to be your strength. You were left, alone, always alone, at the mercy of those who did not wish you well. And today, you are still that boy. A boy who sat at the breakfast table only to be ignored. A boy who was doomed to silence, simply because he was a pawn in someone else´s dirty game. A boy who had no one and still no choice but to go on existing. A boy who was never seen.
I see you. And I want nothing more than to be your solution. I want nothing more than to help you heal. Do you have the strength to let me?
Pink Floyd For Piano – Wish You Were Here (Piano Version)
Å, jag är så glad för er skull! Du är värd allt det bästa i livet gumman, många kramar från du vet vem ;) ?