
onsdag 23 januari 2013


I never thought this song would be anyone´s but his. I thought it belonged to him and only him. To that beach, where the white sand seemed to swallow us whole. Where he took his shirt off, just like that, and kept on threading further into my heart -- still wearing his cowboy boots. Where he made me laugh until I cried and never let go of my hand. And I was reborn again, in that moment -- alive at the core, after years of stagnant, putrid air had been all I knew. I remember wanting time to stand still forever. I remember thinking: "In this moment, everything and nothing blurs together and becomes a whole, an essence of what life is." I thought these notes would be forever linked to a certain time and a certain pair of slanting, green, Irish eyes.

I was wrong. And I´ve never been more happy to be wrong.

 Addie Brownlee – Put Your Hands On Me

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