
torsdag 14 februari 2013

On screen (again)

Still like a movie. This life, with you in it. Still on screen next to you -- instant speed, instant charisma, instant shine. Still a book of your own. You just don´t know it yet. Still a page turner. And, you know (always) exactly what I want to hear. Grand illusions and even grander phrases. Magnificent plans and another voice saying exactly what I am thinking. Please, stay in my life this time. Please be there every now and again. I have to say no, you know that. But please, don´t go away again. You are someone I will always, always miss. One of a kind, translucent and magnificent. A piece of me, but in darker shades. Similar, so similar we could be siblings. So, stay with me through the distance. Hold my hand, but in a platonic way. That´s what I offer. That´s all I can offer.

Just stay.

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